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Extend trust to the members on your team. Start small. Observe how the trust is used and then measure more out.
The Most Important Leadership Trait You Shun
Nothing inspires trust in another human being like vulnerability -- there is just something immensely attractive and inspiring about humility and graciousness.
How God Can Use Your Mistakes for His Glory
Throughout the Book of Acts, we see God calling His faithful followers to acts that felt risky, strange, unthinkable. Yet through obedience, the good news of Jesus exploded and expanded beyond all previous bounds.
The Trouble With Noise
Jesus knew the wisdom of getting away and sitting with His Father, and it’s true for you and me too.
3 Questions to Ask Yourself as a Leader
Jesus speaks to those in the temple and He also speaks to us. In humility. In prayer. In Scripture. In community. We begin to discover that rather than try to turn the tables on someone else, the first tables we overturn must be our own.
Save A Drink, Save A Life
In the Copperbelt Province of Zambia, more than half the population is living in urban slums and shanty compounds. They do have access to water but it isn’t clean, potable water.
5 Warnings for Pastors On Social Media
I do have a few warnings for any pastor who is using social media. I hope they help you take advantage of the benefits of social media without allowing it to distract or destroy you in the process.
How to Respond When Life Doesn’t Go Your Way
John was arrested and thrown into prison. The grime. The filth. The disease. The darkness. All gnawed away at him until he began to second-guess.
3 Crucial Things We Must Protect as Leaders
The world will beg us to trade them in for a quicker taste of success.
Your Church Is Waiting For You
The people you and I are leading are waiting for us - as leaders - to give them permission to live lives of risk by being the first to go all in.
Calling All Interns
If you don’t want to be an intern, stop acting like one. Own your job, don’t covet someone else’s. Rise to every challenge, but never at the expense of others. Help others excel, with no expectations of any return. Be the most respectful person in the office, and never forget that public loyalty leads to private leverage.
Rethinking the Way We Market Churches
If the fact that there are people who still need to be reached in your community in a fresh, new way doesn't make you want to try every available strategy to share the Gospel... then you might be in the wrong job.
Are You the Reason Your Volunteers Are Leaving?
Did you know that one-third of those who volunteer the first year will not volunteer the second year, in your ministry or anywhere else? Want to know why?