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Extend trust to the members on your team. Start small. Observe how the trust is used and then measure more out.
10 Questions to Know and Be Known
We seem to think that our job defines us, and yet what we do can and likely will change throughout our life. But who we are - that's something deeper, something we seldom offer when meeting someone.
A Surprise Wedding
Last October, I found myself sitting at Catalyst Atlanta and listening to Christine Caine talk about the fight she leads with the A21 campaign trying to end sex trafficking.
Getting to a Faith that’s Real
Are your students really getting it?
How to Be Leaders of Meaning in an Age of Information Overload
In the digital age, we have more information at our fingertips than ever before. Yet for this same reason, information is made cheap—it can be found anywhere, instantly and often for free.But what we’re really looking for is something wholly different. What we’re really looking for is meaning. And the job of the leader, in this age information overload, is to help people find it.
Time is Short
You will die sooner than you think. You will be forgotten. You will only be remembered by the people who know you now.
5 Reasons People Aren’t Volunteering at Your Church
I’ve never met a church that said, “You know…when it comes to volunteers, we’re good. We’ve got plenty. In fact, there’s a waiting list for the nursery.”
No More Well-Rounded People
Let’s stop being “well-rounded” people. Starting now.
Spiritual Growth Can Begin with a Listen
Ask any 10 pastors for advice on how to grow spiritually and you are likely to get the same answer: spend more time in God’s Word.
Is God’s Word Enough?
When I told my new neighbor what I do for a living, he laughingly responded with,
Where are the Churches?
Where are the churches of whom Jesus spoke, those against whom the gates of hell will not prevail?
Ten Myths About Productivity pt.2
I loved what I did and, working for a ministry, I saw it as a way to serve in light of the tight staffing budgets that most non-profits and ministries have to deal with. But this pace was obviously not sustainable.
Ten Myths About Productivity pt.1