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Extend trust to the members on your team. Start small. Observe how the trust is used and then measure more out.
5 Short But Powerful Statements for Leaders
Needed statements from leaders. Hard to say, but very powerful.
A Conversation with Malcolm Gladwell
Malcolm Gladwell answers questions about his book, David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants.
Young Influencers List. September 2013
Here you go, the September edition of the Young Influencers List.
Don’t Be That Guy
I had a colleague that I used to work with who had “Don’t Be That Guy” written on the whiteboard in his office. The phrase carried a story with it about someone he had seen doing something that he didn’t want to see repeated in his own life. The truth is that, despite our best efforts, we all are “That Guy” from time to time. When the moniker becomes yours, here are some words of advice.
Cause and Effect
When pastors stop merely doing ministry and start training others for ministry, the body of Christ is healthier—even measured by Christ’s fullness.
Pursuing Your Passions
Now is the time to discover your passion and purpose in life and chase after it with everything in you…but one question is holding you back: Where do I begin?
This Is Where True Leadership Begins
It seems that everyone wants to be famous these days. Their internal longing is to be known by everyone and they want to do nothing to get there. It really is the new
12 Characteristics of “All In” Leaders
I want leaders on my team who are “all in.” Coaches want players who are “all in” on their teams. Every organization out there wants employees and team members who are “all in.” Being ALL IN as a leader means:
If You Use Words, This Is For You…
Leaders must, must, must recognize what can happen when we use words the wrong way OR when we allow an environment to develop where words are used the wrong way.
Three Huge Mistakes We Make Leading Kids…and How to Correct Them
While I applaud the engagement of this generation of parents and teachers, it’s important to recognize the unintended consequences of our engagement. We want the best for our students, but research now shows that our “over-protection, over-connection” style has damaged them.
Lead Yourself Well to Lead Others Better
Something deep inside each of us longs to count. We want to matter to the world. We long to make a difference. We get bored, tired, even depressed by routine and monotony. We’re desperate for significance. We’re searching for acknowledgment. We want to be known. But to be known begins with knowing ourselves.
Beware of the “They” Mentality in Your Organization
I hear this all the time. In organizations, on the street, coffee shops, stores, and seems like always at the airport!