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Extend trust to the members on your team. Start small. Observe how the trust is used and then measure more out.
The Vision Vacuum
Most churches and organizations have overarching vision statements, but as leaders, we can underestimate the need for vision in everything we shepherd.
Five Lessons Learned in Seeking Justice
I found myself grappling with questions about justice and what it means to seek it for those whom Scripture says are particularly vulnerable - the alien, the stranger, the sojourner.
If You Hear Them, You Can Lead Them
I'm talking about real life decision making trajectory altering leadership.
FLASHBACK: A Seat at the Cool Kids’ Table
One day, we grow up, leave our high school and college lives behind to experience “the real world” but like our younger selves, most of us are still searching for our coveted seat at the cool kids’ table. We find ourselves jockeying for position, competing against people that we assume, based on their Facebook comments, Twitter posts, or Pinterest pins, have to be way cooler than us.
Dream It, Do It.
“You are going to row the Atlantic?”
Godly Ambition
In order to start thinking differently, we need to realize that we have the capacity to think of others before we think of ourselves.
FLASHBACK: Three Keys to Developing Patience
The mind wanders. The doubts creep in. Suddenly, a Godly desire for significance is corrupted into the sin of pride. I want to matter. I want to make a difference. I want to lead.
Stop Preaching & Start Communicating
“The day of the preacher is over; the day of the communicator is here.”
7 Ways for Millennials to Overcome the Slacker Generation Label
Do a quick Google search for the phrase “Millennials are” and the autocomplete adds “lazy.”
FLASHBACK: My Hardest Advice for Young Leaders
Many entering the field of leadership, today, have lived in a generation where they were given much with few demands on them personally. Of course, there are exceptions, but this is often true.
The First Five Commandments of Succession Planning
We think you’ll be surprised at how many actions you can begin taking right now.
Do You Need More Charisma?
Yes! But not in the way you might think.