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Extend trust to the members on your team. Start small. Observe how the trust is used and then measure more out.
When Courage Isn’t Sexy
This Catalyst written article dives deeper into the theme of courageous leadership.
Just Listen
My wife says sometimes I talk too much. It’s a little embarrassing to admit, but I know it’s true. If you have a pulse, I can and will talk with you. A lot. “You need to give others a chance to talk and just listen,” she’ll tell me. Just listen. Read More...
Learning to Forgive Ourselves
How do we let go of our own bad decisions and stop punishing ourselves? Learning to forgive can be hard, especially when we are the one in need. Read More...
You Are Known
In a time when we can curate, filter, and edit our lives to look however we want, it is becoming increasingly difficult to allow ourselves to be truly known. It’s just easier to create our lives from a distance than to share it up close. We’ve traded in the gold that comes from sharing our true lives for the fool’s gold that comes from sharing our highlight reel and hiding our hurt. And this trade comes at a cost.
5 Traits of Godly Counselors
Here are five traits to look for when seeking godly counsel.
Conflict vs. Conversation
Have you ever watched a meeting turn from constructive dialogue to a civil war? Read More...
The Balancing Act
How do we balance all of our different roles, and still honor the word by properly managing our own home and God’s church? I’d like to offer 3 suggestions on how to balance the demands of ministry and the demands of your home. Read More...
Resources for Your Bible Reading Resolution
Around this time of year, Americans make resolutions, take goal-setting courses and look forward to the possibilities of a new year. Along with eating healthier, exercising more, and spending less, many of us commit to “read the Bible more.” But sometime in mid-to-late January, that resolution falls off. Read More...
Unlikely Champions of the Bible
The Bible is honest. It gives us its heroes, warts and all. That is not to discourage us but to give us hope that God can use people just like you and me. Read More...
How Leaders Can Make a Difference Without Making Things Worse
How can we approach trying to make a difference in the world without making everything worse?
Q&A with Daniel Pink
At Catalyst Atlanta this past October we had the pleasure of hearing from Daniel Pink, author of several bestselling books about business, work, and behavior. And recently, we were able to take the time to ask him a few questions about his new released book, WHEN-the scientific secrets of perfect timing. Here’s what he had to say about it:
Stop Wishing You Had More Time
The answer isn’t more time but a greater awareness of the time we have.