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Extend trust to the members on your team. Start small. Observe how the trust is used and then measure more out.
Getting Beyond Artificial Maturity
As leaders, we must distribute two gifts to students simultaneously. We must give them autonomy and responsibility in direct proportion to each other. To the degree those teens want autonomy (and not be treated like children), let them know that the price tag is appropriate responsibility.
Lessons from Church History: The Anmchara
As we dive into the demands of work and life and ministry, my prayer is that we don't default to going it alone. I pray that we'd find strength and encouragement in our walk with God and in our journey with those key friends God places in our lives as catalysts to our growth and maturity. The anmchara.
MAKE Monday Memorable
Choosing the Blessings
Friday Five // Facebook Pages
8 Points On Great Customer Service
Catalyst Atlanta Speaker Spotlight // Amena Brown Owen
Catalyst Racer // Month 11
Top 5 Blogs of August 2012
Friday Five // Must Haves
Catalyst Atlanta Speaker Spotlight // Kevin Palau
Just Be It
It's always much easier to have an external rule to make us behave. But while rules are important, that's not the gospel. The Good News that Jesus brought is about a transformation of the inner person that makes us different at our core.