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Extend trust to the members on your team. Start small. Observe how the trust is used and then measure more out.
Will You Paint Your Masterpiece?
Life’s most profound lessons are captured along the uncharted path, but those who never walk it miss out. As we forsake uncertainty and pursue our greatest passions, we begin to realize that we’re learning about life, others, and ourselves along the way.
Young Influencers List, June 2013
Here you go, the June edition of the Young Influencers List.
11 Keys For Building a Great Team
Teams are incredibly important in accomplishing a vision. And as the leader of organizations, projects, initiatives and churches, maybe the most important thing you do is select, equip and release leaders.
Fully Known
Ask yourself, Are you known by God? The best hint Scripture gives us in answering this question is to ask yourself if you are authentically known by those around you.
The Essential Ingredients of a Growing Faith
We had enough church staff experience to know that in most churches spiritual formation was not the driving force behind programming (or budgeting, for that matter). We wanted to be the exception. We wanted everything we did to focus on building mature followers of Christ. And we knew that if we weren’t intentional, spiritual formation would get lost in the plethora of activities that tends to gobble up valuable time and resources.
10 Ways to be a GREAT Employee
10 points to help you be a better employee, partner, or peer in your organization. Whether working on a project, a new initiative, or just simply trying to be competent in the organization you serve in.
Rewriting Cat’s In the Cradle
The first chord change came as an epiphany: Love is spelled T-I-M-E. Our fathers spelled love: W-O-R-K. But how does my child translate my presence or absence?
Problems, Problems
Problems. Every organization has them. And most leaders dislike having to deal with them, myself included. However, recently I discovered problems can actually be platforms to discover the greatest stars among my staff.
Defining Leadership
Whoever is creating the emerging culture is the leader, period. They are the leaders of the future because they are creating the future. We must become the explorers and pioneers of the future. Let’s get there first, plant our flags, claim the future in the Name of Christ, and lead humanity into a future rich with faith, hope, and love.
It Starts with 100 Million
We can’t look at our potential through the lens of what we can do on our own power. That’s not how the truly big things happen. The big things happen when God steps in. He stands ready to do more in us and through us than we can ask or imagine. He’s just getting started.
Why aren’t more people in your groups? A gap analysis.
Most churches have some gaps when it comes to groups. Many church leaders are troubled by these gaps. If you’re not yet, allow me to help you get troubled!
25 Books To Read In Your TWENTIES
We asked our interns what FIVE books they would say are must reads for someone in their TWENTIES. They came up with an incredible list. Feel free to add your own suggestions.