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Extend trust to the members on your team. Start small. Observe how the trust is used and then measure more out.
Shedding the Skin of Adulthood
What parts of yourself do you miss that you use to be when the worries were less and the adventures were greater?
Redemption, Revelation, Responsibility
Even though God is king over the world He created, his king-ship is distinct among a people whom He redeemed.
You’re Trying to Answer the Wrong Questions
Many of us are unhappy, dissatisfied, and unfulfilled; so we make drastic decisions in an attempt to answer life’s three big questions in hopes to satisfy our longing souls.
4 More Things to Remember when You Serve the Lord’s Supper (Part Two)
The Bread of Life invites us to feast with Him and on Him, to taste His goodness, experience nourishment, and exhale in warmth and comfort from the broken nature of our world.
3 Elements To Ensure You Reach Your Potential
Is it possible that there are gifts within you that have been buried?
The Difference Between Excellence and Perfection
It’s often our misunderstanding of perfection that leads us to blur the line between perfection and excellence.
3 Things to Remember the Next Time You Serve the Lord’s Supper (Part One)
When you partake of the holy sacrament, you are biting into this reality that God alone will sustain you.
The Power of Availability
At some point, your life and God’s call will meet. When these moments take place, they are opportunities to make yourself AVAILABLE to God.
Influential Faith
How are we supposed to be a positive influence under horrible circumstances when the last thing we want is all eyes on us when in-the-midst of our trials and vulnerability?
Three Things to Remember When Your Normal Gets Hijacked
I know what it’s like to say, “It’s not supposed to be this way.” And I feel compelled to tell you three truths you must hear.
Three Ways To Stop Worry And Start Resting
Be encouraged, God wants to restore energy and passion to the areas that have been drained by worry.
Leadership as Story
Your life is a story, the real question that we should wrestle with is: what kind of story do I want to tell with my life and leadership?