Simplicity and Sincerity
Adria King
Simplicity and Sincerity.
They are Paul’s words not mine.
For our boast is this, the testimony of our conscience, that we behaved in the world with simplicity and godly sincerity, not by earthly wisdom but by the grace of God, and supremely so toward you. 2 Corinthians 1:12
Yet, here we find ourselves today where the concept of simplicity has become a word that we speak with shame and instead we find our boast in productivity. We have set out on scavengers hunts to figure out what our callings are as leaders, because if we can label it then we can dress up our striving and endless deeds as spiritual works instead of what they really are – lack of intimacy.
I think about Paul. I wonder if he knew that his letter to the church at Corinth would one day be read by far more than his intended audience. Paul had enough hindsight to know the bigger picture at hand yet the bigger picture and great influence he was entrusted with did not stop him from operating out of the mind of simplicity and sincerity.
What was it that Paul got that we didn’t?
Maybe it was the fact that out of all the things Paul could know, his calling, his gifting, his leadership ability, he kept one thing esteemed higher than all the other, to know Him. He even dared to say that he considered everything else a loss compared to the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ.
What has become of us that we think the most important thing about us is how much we serve or where we serve? We can turn naively away from the thought and deny the reality of our upside down thinking, but denying it will not dismiss it. We have wandered far from Paul’s thinking but more importantly we have strayed from the posture the Lord intended us to live from.
We have crafted an equation for ourselves where we see that productivity equals connectivity. We have let ourselves believe that how much we can do will speak of our intimacy with the Lord. What someone is doing for the Lord displays the depth of their walk with Him. The more I do, the closer I must be to Him.
We have it all wrong.
Productivity does not equal connectivity, nor does productivity lead to connectivity. What I do for Him will not create the intimacy I am longing for. What will speak more of you as a follower of Jesus is not your ability to do something, it will be your ability to do nothing. When I am secure enough in the grace that binds me to Him, I will know that the days where I am staying hidden in the unseen are crafting my connectivity, and being connected to Him is the most productive thing I could ever do.
As leaders, we are headed to a dead end fast if we keep down this road of over exerting ourselves. To ensure a conscience that feels “good” about ourselves by our resumes being lengthened we are sacrificing the rest and the backdrop of still water the Father intends for us.
Paul did not lose influence. He did not lack effectiveness. He didn’t miss out. If anything Paul was given more. He kept it simple and he kept it sincere and maybe the very ground we are wanting to take could come if we could stop overcomplicating things and stop pretending to be something we are not.
Today, all of us can take a step in the direction of simplifying our life. Maybe it’s saying no to the big events and making time for an afternoon walk. Maybe it’s a phone call with a friend instead of leading a small group every night. It will vary for all of us, but we have to fight for the simplicity to come back into existence.
Here’s the deal, all of us, and I mean all of us can take a step towards sincerity, allowing ourselves to fall into the unforced rhythms of His grace.
It’s simple. Ask yourself…...
Do you believe that knowing Him is the most important thing to you right now?
Do you believe that what you are doing for Him is most important thing?
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